Displaying items by tag: JAZZ GUITAR

Thursday, 03 October 2019 19:26

Family Trax - 12 guitar dedications to my tribe

Audiosamples (click to start & stop):
R.E.N.E. M.A.Y.A. O.W.E.N. A.S.T.R.I.D. A.R.N.E. S.I.E.B.R.E.N. R.O.S.Y. D.I.E.T.Z. R.I.V.K.A. F.E.M.I. Y.O.U.R.I. I.S.I.S.


order in our paypal-shop:(physical Cd)
Or send an email direct to: office @ jivemusic.at



This is a very emotional, interesting and important project by guitar artists Rens Newland
With a very precise composing system he made melody modules, blocks or modules
(how you like to call it), constructed out of the names of the people of his tribe. Additionally he tried to weave their personalities, their characters,
music tastes and moods into the compositions and arrangements.
The musical styles go from Funk and Jazz to Rock and Hip-Hop, but all in his range of taste!
Again he used a lot of different guitars out of his collection to get the right sound to each vision.


01. R.E.N.E. - Creative Guy 02. A.S.T.R.I.D. - Feeling Fine Against All Odds 03. A.R.N.E. - The Steady One 04. S.I.E.B.R.E.N. - Funny Smart Boy 05. M.A.Y.A. - Wonderful Innocence 06. O.W.E.N. - Silent to Strong 07. R.O.S.Y. - Careful & Curious 08. D.I.E.T.Z. Jolly, Tough and Tireless 09. R.I.V.K.A. - Sweet Little Devil 10. F.E.M.I. - Good Girl, Mad Girl 11. Y.O.U.R.I. - Wild Coolness 12. I.S.I.S. - Sage & Singing 

listed in : Rens Newland
Monday, 29 December 2003 23:00

!Move That Thing

About Moving

order in our paypal-shop:(physical Cd)
Or send an email direct to: office @ jivemusic.at

An exciting jazz guitar/groovy rhythm concept, which shows once again the great possibilities of the guitarplayer/composer (with the band „Groovit“, feat. Willi Langer, Christian Lettner, Joris Dudli, Oliver Gattringer, Flip Philipp)

listed in : Rens Newland
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