Search results for: slowwalker
The Miles Mode
The Other World Slowwalker Auf der Kippe Splatch Blue Extent Point Out Ois Blues oder wos Stretch Your Mind Bouncin' on the Beat
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Recorded live at Porgy & Bess, Vienna, Austria, Jan. 2023,.
As one of the pioneers in the European Jazz Rock/Fusion Jazz movement in the 70s, of course OSTINATO was also inspired by Miles Davis. Each of the individual band members in their own way: Tommy Böröcz was clearly impressed by Billy Cobham's rock drumming style, Andi Steirer was enthused by the role percussion started to play in groove music, Rens Newland really loved the approach of John McLaughlin. The musicians who joined later, such as Robert Riegler and Robert Schönherr, certainly included Miles in their playing, directly or indirectly through Joe Zawinul. Likewise, the ostinato horn section uses the same insights that Miles gained for the start of a more global, cosmopolitan style of playing. At this concert the group presented a selection of their own inspirational works from their albums, as well as some adaptions of Miles Davis tunes.
Slowwalker (CD or VINYL)
Slowwalker Musical Prostitution
Que Vida, Me Querida Galactic Jazzdance On a Cold Summerday Straight On Chili Con Carne
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This is the second album of the Funk/Fusion/Latin Jazz band. At this time the status of the group was quite settled, after the time of big festivals like Velden and Wiesen in Austria. The band is touring at least two times a year, mostly in the german speaking part of Europe: Austria, Switserland, Germany.