Displaying items by tag: relaxation

Wednesday, 02 October 2019 05:35

Zeit für mich (Time for Me)

Audiosamples (click to start & stop):
Relaxation Dream Autogenic 
Bodyscan Fantasy Self-healing



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Relaxation exercises (German spoken - in deutscher Sprache) for more well-being and harmony - relaxation from the first minute, 2 CDs, progressive muscle relaxation - fantasy trips - autogenic training - mindfulness meditation - self-healing meditation. • The exercises can be used immediately and easily and are suitable for relaxing, regenerating and recharging your batteries during the day or as a sleep aid in the evening
• All relaxation exercises are scientifically based and researched and their effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed
• The body and the psyche come to rest through the use of a special speech technique and the pleasant and gentle voice
• The carefully selected background music supports deep relaxation
• All this together results in a perfect combination of exercises that lead to quick recovery, relaxation for body and mind, more lightness, health and happiness. The double audio CD was produced professionally in the recording studio.
It is suitable for beginners and advanced users and contains 6 different relaxation exercises:
1. PMR - progressive muscle relaxation 2. Fantasy trip dream island 3. Autogenic training 4. Bodyscan - mindfulness meditation on the body 5. Fantasy walk in the forest 6. Self-healing meditation
1. PMR – Progressive Muskelentspannung 2. Fantasiereise Trauminsel 3. Autogenes Training 4. Bodyscan - Bodyscan – Achtsamkeitsmeditation auf den Körper 5. Fantasiereise Waldspaziergang 6. Selbstheilungsmeditation

listed in : Jacqueline Hauser